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Photo Gallery 

Chillin' in the Hammock

Chillin' in the Hammock

Happy Berners {2014/LitterB}

Angus singing

Angus singing


Bear {2012/LitterA - Lt Blue}

Bear {2012/LitterA - Lt Blue}

Socializing Snuggles! With 4 kids, and their sweet friends, there is never a shortage of snuggles and loves!

Magnolia Moose (2016-litter D)

Magnolia Moose (2016-litter D)

Cooper (Orange - 2015 - LitterC

Cooper (Orange - 2015 - LitterC

Cooper (Orange - 2015 - LitterC

Cooper (Orange - 2015 - LitterC

Magnolia Moose (2016-litter D)

Magnolia Moose (2016-litter D)

Muggle (Silver - 2016 - litter D)

Muggle (Silver - 2016 - litter D)

2016 Litter D

2016 Litter D

Journey {2015 - LitterC - Blue)

Journey {2015 - LitterC - Blue)

WoollyBear (Green - 2015 - LitterC

WoollyBear (Green - 2015 - LitterC

Karma & 2015's LitterC

Karma & 2015's LitterC

Angus {Blue, 2014/Litter-B}

Miss Karma in 2014

Miss Koda - 8 weeks old

Miss Koda - 8 weeks old

Koda's first day home!

Social Puppies!

Social Puppies!


Koda {4 weeks old}

Koda {4 weeks old}

This was the day we met Koda for the first time, and picked her to be ours! A few more weeks, then she'd come home with us!



This is our happy place! (2014)

MoJo {Green, 2014/B-Litter}

Koda: A Girl's Best Friend

A boy & his Koda!

A boy & his Koda!

Koda thinks of our youngest as "her" baby ... and why shouldn't she? Koda was so attentive when the baby came home from the hospital, always keeping an eye on her to make sure she was okay.

Karma 2015

{Karma} 2014

A girl's best friend!

A girl's best friend!

Our youngest has never experienced life without her Koda-girl! {5 month old baby, 18 month old Koda}

On a picnic with Karma

Journey (2015 Litter C)

Journey (2015 Litter C)

With three daughters, I see a lot of playing dress-up with Koda. Luckily, Koda is very patient and sweet about the hair bows and hats!

Our family in 2011

Our family in 2011


Ollie {Orange, 2014/B-Litter}

"I wuv you Doh-Dah!" {Koda & her girl}

Koda watching over my little one while she watches TV

Prince {2012/LitterA - Green}

Prince {2012/LitterA - Green}

Sleeping Prince

~ Karma - 18 months ~

Miss Koda

Miss Koda

Baby Karma ... hoping the human baby drops some food! Our dogs are always part of the family!

~ Karma - 9 weeks ~

~ Karma - 9 weeks ~

9 week old Karma & 16 month old SweetPea each think the chair is THEIR chair! Luckily they were small enough to both fit :)

Miss Koda

Miss Koda

Such a sweet, serious face!

~ Koda & Karma ~

~ Koda & Karma ~

"Now young pup, I will teach you the Berner Bow"


Sleepy home-raised puppies {2014/B-Litter}


Bishop & my daughters

Bishop & my daughters

{Sire to our 2012/A-Litter!}

~ Karma - 5 weeks - 2012 ~

~ Karma - 5 weeks - 2012 ~

This was when we drove 4 hours to meet her! Just a few more weeks until she could come home!

Karma (8 wks) meeting Koda (2yrs)

With 3 little girls at home, there are many puppy-fashion-shows!

~ Koda: baby's best friend ~

Prince {2012/LitterA - Green}

Prince {2012/LitterA - Green}


Karma in the car to help pick kids up from school ...

A Grand Exploration

A Grand Exploration


~ Karma - 4 months ~

Koda - a girl's best friend!

Koda - a girl's best friend!

~ Karma - 5 weeks ~

~ Karma - 5 weeks ~

Yep, I think we will get her ... in 3-4 weeks when she's ready to come home!

Fall 2012 ... the kids and the dogs


~ Baby Karma ~

Angus {Blue, B-Litter}

Koda's bad hair day

Koda's bad hair day

5 months old!

A-Litter {June 2012}


Okie May {Purple Pup, A-Litter}

Bosley {Aqua Pup, A-Litter}

Koda is a great reading friend, even when the book is about kittens!

Karma's First Christmas {2012}

Elsa {Pink, B-Litter}

Darling Bear {Light Blue, A-Litter}

A Girl and her Koda

A Girl and her Koda



Photos © Happy Berners / Elozia Dustin or used with permission

Do NOT use without written permission.

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